Wednesday, March 29, 2006

SABERKAS RH Marathon 2006

Dear runners

Thank you for your participation in our inaugural SABERKAS RH Marathon 2006!

We hope you had enjoyed the race and our Sarawakian hospitality.

We understand that you may be among one of the eligible participants who may not have received the finishing medal and/or certificate, which you deserved in time.

Kindly let us know before the 5 April 2006 so we can make the necessary arrangement.

Once again, our heartfelt thanks to your support of this event!

Yours sincerely,

Marketing Director
For & on behalf of SABERKAS RH MARATHON 2006


Anonymous said...

heard Kedah 1/2 postponed to 1 July har?

Ai Ling

Newton said...

very impressed with saberkas marketing support. good job!
professional reply, helpful, courteous.