Friday, February 04, 2005

My Elusive Below 1hr PR

Hi Guys,

Sometimes good advise is hard to come by and in this particular case,it did work for me. It was Tuesday, 1st Feb (city day) and since itwas a public holiday, I spent some time over at my wife's spa (locatedbehind Yow Chuan Plaza. 41 Jalan Damai) and brought along my gear torun @ KLCC in the evening. I thought that would be a good day to runcoz there won't be many around and I can 'secretly' train. I ran butencountered some problems and took breaks and of all people I metRonnie (PM1) and Mrs. PM1. I was caught in the act of 'secrettraining'. SHIT! KNN! cover blown. I told him my problem and he toldme do some stretches but it did not help either. Anyway, I continuedrunning and finished 8 laps and did some stretching. Ronnie hadfinished his run and joined my. During this time was when Ronnie toldme that in order to improve, I should do some speed work, errr likethe best of 5 laps.

Well, the thought was lingering and bugging me da whole week. I ranyesterday but I was too damn hot. IT WAS BRUTAL! I was drenched withsweat and worst still, my inner thighs (below lampah chee area) chafedbadly.

Today was different. I wanted to run but the weather looked like itwas gonna rain. I told myself "screw it, no matter what you must run".I changed, applied Bodyglide on my 'injured' area and hit da park. Istarted off smooth and felt stronger as I went along and I thought tomyself, "why not tekan a abit". Well, the results speaks for itself.Its been a while since I ran so hard but I'm happy to see the results.Ronnie, thanx for that little push which had great results.

Lap 1 = 7:49.67
Lap 2 = 7:53.12
Lap 3 = 7:39.65
Lap 4 = 7:21.76
Lap 5 = 6:58.98
Lap 6 = 6:58.87
Lap 7 = 7:02.09
Lap 8 = 6:48.85

Total = 58:32.99

p.s. The funny thing was, I wore the same attire (head to toe) as Idid when I PR-ed in S'pore.

KNNMan (PM20)

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