The road mark read 22K but still no sign of the second check point chip scanner… maybe they use infrared via satellite , should be somewhere, at last found it few hundred meters away, is it something wrong… nah… must trust Malaysian Organize. I keep my nice and cozy pace… enjoy morning frustration of KL traffic, hoo-ha…but fell a little bit scary when I see a “kancil” with big belly guy scold traffic police “Apa macam pergi Hospital?!” better run away rather STAR read “a runner cum police wallop by upset KLIM stuck crowd”.
At the 3rd check point, road marker shown more than 30K; my stubborn head still trusted the beloved FTAAA. One thing for sure is I do not have a fast heartbeat or numerous body heats which I will get in every race, strange…
The road mark suddenly have conflict, I see the road mark has been wipe off! According to Einstein E=MC2, I should be 3K or less, still look in site out for any marker, damn… Then suddenly a very clear sign “4KM to finish line” I thought I was less than 3KM? That mean E is not equal to MC2!? I really want to shit and paste it on the sigh board, luckily I try
and da shit not come out as command!
4km left and I got 22 minute…Maximum Speed! Really squeeze everything out of me and generate the fast heartbeat and numerous body heats… on the way I can't stop to help up Penguin 1 and 2 which were cramp, sorry!
19 min in last 4K, NUTS! 3h57m chip time, release… primary & secondary target achieve in sweet and sour, sweet at 38K and sour in 4K remain.
How to answer to Taiwan or Singapore runners that my teammates strongly promote to them as the most basic thing that FTAAA & DBKL screw up?

brought 2u by pm8
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