Thursday, June 28, 2007

Understanding How Der Pacemakers Tok

It's very easy to discount der fact besides going crazy (most of us anyway) when it comes to running and racing, there are actually normal people in Der_Pacemakers group. To help the outsider understand der lingo that we use so that you can enjoy der race reports and shoutbox conversation, here is a list of most commonly used terms.

Official Motel for PBM: Anggerik Lodge (
Official Words to end any sentence: Liao, Nia
Official word to end a question: Sibo
Official Drink: Gatrode (ask PM8 about this)
Official 3-Letter Word: Kok
Official Curse Acronyms: TNS, CCB, TNMCH, KNN
Official Part Of der Body (men only): KKC
Official Translation of "The": Der
Official translation of "Overtaking": Potong sayor
Official Favourite FTAAA Official: Mr Balan
Official Run: Pacemaker Anniversary Run (PAR)
Official Mystery Shoutbox Persons: FakeTey, Guest, Anonymouse, Gypsum, Badboy & Gong Li
Official Popular Runner: TPC - Tay Poh Chye
Official Training Spot in KL: KLCC Park and Lake Gardens
Official Cameraman: PM22
Official thing to do when in doubt: Pray to Ang Kong (God)
Official War Cry: Pia Kau Kau Lat!
Official Pre-race activity: Pangsai, Lausai and PangPhui (Normal Shit, Diarrhea, Fart)
Official Post-race activities: Photo-taking, eating
Official Vest: Red Saucony
Official Weekend Pastime: Racing, collecting medals, certs, PRs, PWs

Tay Poh Chye : der most popular runner in Malaysia & probably der whole world!

brought 2u by der Pm5 der Pacemakers Advisor

1 comment:

C-CUBE said...

wah cinya ho liao article!!!!