For me, i already close my appetite to run IIR many years ago since 2004 - but not fully. Each year i keep update IIR performance thru my keen running friends. Same stories.
No enough medals, lack of certificate, run out drinking water, wrong route, long queue for finish medals, no marking distance - these are basic runner needs. And still they did not fix it or make improvement.
I had witness numbers of marathon runners in IIR crossed finish line and nobody waiting. Finish medal gone - habis, finish banner, tent already brought down, Drinking water station?.. sudah bungkus balik. And i have to give my water bottle and they shared within 4~5 of them. Pity..right?
But... if i mention KRI - Ipoh, anyone disgree if i said KRI is one of best run event organizer? No doubt. They have alot of experience in this sport. Each year they gain more runners participated into their annual event. So my suggestion for next IIR..
Why not the IIR organizer do a joint-venture with KRI?.. Why not?
Ok.. if the IIR organizer.. berlagak sombong. I plead to KRI...
Why not KRI help the IIR organizer on technical/basic thing?.. Why not?

Rela line-up - Lawak Antarabangsa! from Berita Harian 6Jul09
Never in my any running race, human used as starting line. Macam tak pernah buat run race and they never learn.
Betul betul malu-a-tion
Runners cannot accept the agony and frustration of waiting at the START after the scheduled flag-off time just to wait for the arrival of VIP
WOW! Darn now I wished we had done that when they started us off. Not that we have anything against the RELA guys, since they were in the rain with us. Why don't the VIPs and the org try doing that instead? Or maybe they should also get the feeling of getting 'rempuh' instead of standing under their warm tent giving their 'syiok sendiri' speech. I understand what the kids in the picture were thinking, and if I were a first time runner standing there it would probably be the last time I am taking part in a run. So much for promoting running! Races like this just give a bad impression of running to beginners since the bulk of the participants are usually students. I just feel they deserve a better experience of running a race and getting to know about running.
wah the picture is like the protesters riot in Urumqi China. read today's paper.
Podium of Infamy
Just wonder did the putera Sultan Perak who joined in the race also soak and shivering under the rain?
2 thumbs up for KRI organizer. I will support them again and again for the run.
Whoever told those Rela guys to stand there must be smacked on the head. Obviously that idiot was fast asleep or too busy kissing the 'vip's' butt. The race is about to start. What did those Rela 'brain surgeons' think was going to happen when the starting pistol went off? All the runners are just going to stand around, hold hands and sing the freaking national anthem? Don't know want to laugh or cry.
really suck...
I really really disturbed by this run....rain already falling quite long and cool water running all over us and we have to standing for the waiting of the late vip and start together with all category,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h, there were crowded, so i run from behind accompany my gf who run 10 km and i run 21 km, so after 15 min of run, i left my gf to chase other 21km runner, but only spotted 1 21km runner, i only saw signboard of 4km, 7km, 5km and 10km,and i go through many check point, i think iam in the right way, because i think the check point may tell me if iam in the wrong way untill i reach a check point giving yellow ribbon, but i still cant chase any of 21km runner, only all of them is 10 km runner,untill lastly i saw many participant running from other direction with blue ribbon, i think there must be have other route, untill i reach stadium, i already feel i must be on the wrong route,and i saw some kenyan or negro passing me with blue and white ribbon, to my surprise some rela member ask me to check into 10km point, but told by other rela to check at 21km point, i heard many ppl saying, "wow...there is the 1st chinese arrive"..."wow....what chinese is that? so fast" when i reach check point the officer ask me 2 ribbon but i only have 1 ribbon so i was dq immediatly, after that i also been interview by to women who ask for my pace, but i told them i was dq because of wrong route, i was so terrified and disapointed also sad because no 1 told me where to go, even the check pointer never told me the right route, even the ribbon giver give me the yellow ribbon and never told me iam on the wrong route, really fed up with the event and feel bad about the organiser, this is my IIR and also my last IIR run, thumb down down down for this event.
Thanks for posting my article regarding "IIR yang berlagak". Receive more responses/comments than mine.. heheee But.. really i fed-up with IIR that was my last for IIR. Government body got no expertise in any run event more than 10km. Because they're not runners.
So don't blame them. They keep on repeating same problems each year. Somebody needed to correct them.
quite interesting read. I would love to follow you on twitter.
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