Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Welcome to der Family : der Pacemakers #13


Hello, everyone! My name is HOOISIAH, can also call me as ORANGE MAN. Since childhood I’m a boy who is energetic and full of curiosity, like to wander and play riding cavalry with friends. At my early age I like riding bicycle, playing basketball, swimming, hiking, playing badminton, playing ping pong. I can play every sport without learning it… (but not proficient) as they are so-called The kampong sport and it can be chaotic play. My sports cell is trained from my curiosity during my childhood. As for running is the most annoying sport in my younger time. I think running is silly and really boring, and there is no motivation when running alone. Since I seldom go for running, I didn’t know that there are running competition out there . During my high school, there is very few people love running. Since graduating from high school, I am quite active in the basketball court, as basketball player is very impressive, got jersey, got a team, got coach, and there are beautiful fans! So, I really like playing basketball as team sports during that time because that time was Michael Jordan era. Therefore, The orange man started brewing out slowly. . . . . . . . .

As for the start of running journey is invited by a beautiful hiking teammates to join this sport. In fact, running is a very slow and boring lonely sport for me. I was highly recommended by this friend and I participated in the running competition.

In June 8, 2003, I participated in the 22.5 km Penang Bridge half-marathon. I completed my virgin half-marathon, and I fell in love with running since then. For a non running experience guy, I am quite satisfied with my own performance that I completed this run in 1 hour 57 mins. This run really changed my mind and the running life of ORANGE MAN is then begun. Running a race needs a pair of running shoe; therefore I bought the first pair of my running shoe just 2 weeks before the race. ORANG MAN first love is SAUCONY running shoes, and the greatest pleasure is to challenge my own limits and endurance, but also like to catch up with the wind speed thrill and confrontation with the hot sun!
In year 2005, AMBANK organized The 13th International Marathon, this race was another starting point in my running. This is really an unforgettable experience because I fell sick a month before the race and this is a blow for runners. Under the bad condition, I ran with my strong willpower and did a Sub 4 timing of 3:45, I am very proud for all my efforts!

From 2007-2008, ORANGE MAN stopped the running plan due to work commitment.

In year 2009, I slowly trained back my stamina and getting ready for future races.

In year 2010 I went to the Himalayas of Nepal for hiking challenge. I experienced the most thrilling experience in these 22 days of hiking in my life because I got high altitude sickness and was almost say goodbye to this world. I regretted that I did not arrive to the top, but I had the opportunity to fly twice in the helicopters. It was great!!

In 2011 the main event was PORT DICKSON TRIATHLON RACE and I participated in the team relay. After the race I felt very relaxed, the time recorded was 2’35mins. Next, I gathered several friends to challenge DESARU half-Ironman and the main purpose is to eat big fresh lobster. The whole race is quite hard, I continuous vomiting for 5 times after the race, where I need to complete the race under the hot sun; swimming, cycling and running events and recorded 6’48mins as the result. At the same year, I also completed The King of Mountain Challenge, the destination was in Cameron with the distance of 58km, and the time is 3’05mins.

I am surprised that I am invited to be one of the members in der Pacemaker PIA family. Thank you for the invitation from our captain, Mr Ronnie See & all my dear Pacemaker members especially brother Kelvin Yew (translator for my PM report).


大家好!我的 名字是HOOISIAH,也都可以称呼我为ORANGE MAN。由孩童时代开始我就是一位活泼好动和充满好奇心的小孩,喜欢骑着铁马和朋友到处游荡和玩耍。从小我就是到处骑脚车去溜达,打篮球,游泳,爬山,打羽毛球,打兵乓的 游戏都好,我每一样运动都可以无私自通…(但是不精)所谓的每一样运动都是kampong sport, 所以可以乱玩,玩到似摸似样的。而我的运动细胞就来自小时候的好动,好奇,好恋,而培养出来的。至于跑步是我在年幼的时光,最讨厌的一项运动。因为我觉得跑步很傻,很无聊,不刺激,一个人孤苦傻傻的在跑,多无趣。由于我很少接触跑步, 也不知道跑步有公开比赛。我的中学时代里,根本就很少人爱跑步这一类的运动!自从中学毕业以后我相当活跃于篮球场上,篮球员很威风,有球衣,有球队,有教练,还有美美球迷!毕竟打篮球会得到许多女球迷的青睐。所以,我在小的时候非常喜欢篮球团队的运动!因为那个年代是Michael Jordan 年代。而orange man 就这样开始慢慢的酝酿出来了。。。


2003年6月8日,我参加22.5公里的槟城半马拉松比赛。在我跑完了我的处男之座半马拉松比赛,我就很笃定的爱上了跑步这项运动,对于一个完全没有跑步概念和参赛经验的人来说,我相当满意自己的表现,能够在一个小时五十七分钟里完成这个项目。这个考验令我对跑步运动从此 改观也正式开始了ORANGE MAN奔驰的一生。由于参赛需要一双跑步鞋,所以我在比赛14天前买了人生的第一双跑步鞋。ORANG MAN的初恋情人就是SAUCONY 跑步鞋,跑步最大的乐趣是让我挑战自己的极限和忍耐力,而且喜欢追赶风的速度快感,与炎热的太阳对抗!

2005年AMBANK举办第十三届 国际马拉松赛,此次参赛结果为我开启跑步路程里的另一个起跑点。这真是一次难忘的经验因为就在赛前一个月我病倒了,对于参赛者来说是一种打击,就在不被教练看好的状况底下,我凭着坚强的毅力跑出SUB 4 timing, 3:45的成绩,我为自己所付出的努力感到很骄傲!

2007 年至 2008年由于工作的因素,ORANGE MAN 暂时搁置跑步计划。



2011年重头戏是PORT DICKSON TRIATHLON RACE 可是我参与团体接力赛。赛后的感觉是很轻松的,纪录是2:35。接下来是我无心插柳之下我与几位臭味相同的朋友相聚一起挑战DESARU半铁人赛因为最主要的目的是吃新鲜的大龙虾。整个过程中相当辛苦,完成比赛后连续呕吐五次, 因为当时我需要在炎热的太阳底下完成游泳,骑脚踏车和跑步项目,纪录是6:48。与此同时我也在这一年里完成king of mountain比赛,目的地是金马伦的某个站,路程是58公里,时间是3:05。

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Brought 2u by,
Siah Leong Hooi @ PM13

1 comment:

Michele said...

Wow. Great article Hooi Siah!