I must really thanks to Rachel Lee (My binitary) for taking care of me, now my throat are getting better liao. Thanks to her honey + lemon drink that cure my throat from getting worst. I no more taking any of doctor medicine liao, cause it would only make me sleepy & powerless.
Yday my main attention is to run for sweat only, suddenly got one Uncle potong sayur me after the 4th laps. His running n breathing are so terrible, i dont really like his pattern at all. While i still got 4 more laps to go, no point for me to chase him. Cause he oredi 200m ahead of me liao, but lap after lap i feel i'm getting closer to him. Coz i'm running at negative split mah. B4 i finish my 7th laps, i was hoping he would continue his run. Coz i still got 1 more lap to go & i'm only 80m behind him.
Yes! der Uncle didnt stop, & he is going for another lap again, & i think is his last lap liao. He turn around & saw me getting closer to his butt liao. Since it was my last lap, i turn on der turbo kau-kau. Manage to close up wit him. Wit 600m left to finish, we run neck to neck. I manage to pull away from him, but he still follow very tight. I turbo even faster at der last 300m to go, he kenot follow me liao. In the end, i did a very gut timing, thanks to him lah.
After finish my run, hv a chit chat wit Dr. Jamie & Professer Newton. Justin came late, so couldnt chit chat wit him. While on our way out to der KLCC park, we saw der TNS Uncle kencing outside der road. Wat a shame, sumore driving a big car Pajero. Rich ppl also like that wan.. Tiu!!
der KLCC Split Time:
7'08.28 > 14'35.75
7'02.31 > 21'38.06
6'58.18 > 28'36.24
6'53.61 > 35'29.85
6'43.58 > 42'13.43
6'19.40 > 48'32.83
5'45.40 > 54'19.23
Total Distance = 10.4km
Sorry for all der vulgar word, kenot tahan der Uncle behaviour lah.
brought 2u by pm1
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