Wednesday, June 07, 2006

der meaning of "pia"

Real Action Photos - mean u hv to really show out ur lausai face and true spirit of pia. This best of 5 pictures below really make me touching lah, I love it man!

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Best of #5 - DK: "Ryan! It all up 2 u now!!"

Best of #4 - Justin Lee: Live2pia!

Best of #3 - Tey Eng Tiong: Jialat.. jialat.. jia.. jia.. lat!

Best of #2 - Dr. Jamie: Cinya Khang Kor.. want to die liao!

Best of #1 - Newton : Ohh gosh! How I wish I'm still at home watching TV!

photos by KC Leong

1 comment:

Newton said...

o my gosh. this should also be called the most embarassing photo. next PAR i have to REALLY stay home and watch tv.