Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Welcome to der family : der Pacemaker #15 (PM15)

以前我的生活一团糟,巅峰期还可以 5am睡觉,7am去工作。


跑了6年,从第一场全马 5:11 到现在 3:31,还算可以啦 ~

SUB 3:00,是我的梦想! 它也是我的推动力。

因为 Ronnie See,我才认识到 Pacemakers Family。
2011,我常去 LG 跑步,时常见到 Ronnie,以飞快的速度练习。
那时我几乎每天 6pm 都会到 LG 报到!不知道几时我们就一起练习了。
最让我印象深刻的是和 Ronnie 在 Batu Cave Training , 几乎吐白泡!


我也不知道,Ronnie 为什么今时今日才邀请我加入Pacemakers Family。

Running is year by year, not day by day!


My life was a mess. The normal would be sleeping at 5am and waking up at 7am for work. I had zero exercise, most of my time was spent working and playing games on the computer.

Then one day, for the sake of my health, I put on my running shoes and went for a run around my office area. But this didn't last for long. I soon gave up running, probably because I didn’t have any friends to run with.

In 2009, I met Eugene. We started training together and signed up for numerous races. Slowly, I started to love running, especially running the full marathon. That was what got me addicted. After running for 6 years, from my first full marathon timing of 5:11 to 3:31, I think I’m pretty okay.

To run a sub 3:00 would be my dream! And that is my motivation, it keeps me going. Although I don’t know when I will actually achieve it, I’ll just keep on running. I believe that if I continue running, I will improve.

Because of Ronnie See, I got to know the Pacemakers Family. In 2011, whenever I went to Lake Garden for my run, I would see Ronnie, speeding by during his training. I would be at Lake Garden without fail at 6pm. I’m not sure when but we started training together. I remember the time when Ronnie and I trained at Batu Caves, killer!

Besides running, I like to cycle, hike… Sometimes, you can see me at races, holding up my camera, ready to capture the other runners.

I don’t know why Ronnie invited me into the Pacemakers Family. But whatever it is, I am grateful. Thank you!

*Thanks Adele translate for me :)

Running is year by year, not day by day!

brought 2u by Aron Soo @ PM15

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